Dean Christner

"Dastardly" Dean Christner
"Dastardly" Dean Christner

Dean and his buds formed “Armageddon” in the hallways of 6th grade middle school.  We had a guitarist already, so I decided to play drums.  We were the outcasts practicing in the sound-proof music rooms during every free minute.  I completely loved it – Judas Priest, Maiden, Sabbath…  how things haven’t changed!  I had a year of lessons for $5/hr from a family friend who plays in Nashville now.  The rest is self-taught and I’m still a work-in-progress.


Fast forward to early 2000’s when I bumped into Doc Craig Aaron at The Main Event gym wearing a Union College t-shirt.  Ends up we went to the same very small college in upstate NY but were 2 years apart.  He was building a house with a basement studio to jam – I said “I’m in!!” … raise the Sciatica banner.   Years later, he would fire his then-current Iron Mullet guitarist and drummer, mothball Sciatica, and voila, a new rendition of Iron Mullet with Olaf and I.


15 or so years later, we’re still rockin’ as Iron Mullet!


p.s.  BEST band name EVER!!

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